Constructed Fantasy Worlds

Elven calendar is the calendar used in the world of Inlitania. It starts with the end of the Dragon calendar in the year 10000 BEC. It is divided in two parts - BEC, which is before founding of Tralhalla and EC, which starts with the founding of the city.



  • 10000 BEC - The Sundering. The Three Dragons destroys most of Elven race. Humans separates from Scyths.
  • 2876 BEC - Eruption of Threespire.
  • 95 BEC - Founding of Kingdom of Scyth.


  • 1EC - Founding of Tralhalla.
  • 7EC - Founding of Elvania.
  • 104EC - End of the War of the Guardians. Trelkanfar becames the king of Elvania.
  • 107EC - Death of Trelkanfar. Start of Dark ages.
  • 110EC - End of Dark ages.
  • 140EC - Alirmirnatt becames the queen of Elvania.
  • 225 EC - Separation of Second Kingdom.
  • 227EC - Destruction of Kingdom of Scyth.
  • 384EC - Restoration of Kingdom of Scyth.
  • 434EC - Current year.